Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010

Father's Day 2010

This is a Father's Day post, just several months late. My girls have, without question, the most amazing man as their Daddy. He loves them both so much and I was hoping that he would be treated to a really nice Father's Day this year (last year Lauren was a real stinker). Well, this year we celebrated Father's Day with Jillian having a 103 degree temperature and hand, foot & mouth disease. Poor baby! Thankfully Jillian did fine with a little Tylenol and a nap, and the rest of us enjoyed a lunch of Lupe's Tortilla to-go. I guess you can't complain too much about that. Maybe next year we will actually make it out to a restaurant.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jillybean is 9 Months Old

two bottom teeth


Happy 9 Month Birthday (a few days late). You have had an exciting past few weeks. No more "army crawling" for you. You are up on your hands and knees and giving your sister a run for her money with your speed. Toys have become a little bit of a battle ground between the two of you, and again, you are holding your own with Lauren. Even though your big sister is having to be reminded a lot to share and be kind to you, she still thinks you are the cutest baby in the world and Daddy and I whole heartedly agree. Da da is still your favorite thing to say, which is quite fitting because you are definetly a Daddy's girl. Your Daddy sure is proud of you and I think the two of you are a perfect match. Your favorite game is peek-a-boo with Mommy and Lauren. When we come to get you up from your nap, Mommy and Lauren take turns hiding behind your crib bumpers and you love to come find us and play peek-a-boo. I think that your sister would leave you in your crib and play peek-a-boo with you for hours if I would let her. And finally, after 9 Months of crazy sleep habits, you are getting better at sleeping through the night. Mommy is sure enjoying getting (a little) more rest. You are a great eater and you will pretty much eat whatever I put in your mouth. I need to start giving you some more green veggies because Dr. Talbot said your were looking a little orange from eating to many sweet potatoes and carrots. Everyone always tells us what a sweet baby you are. You are a little snuggler and you make yourself comfortable in anyone's arms. As long as you have your thumb to suck, you are pretty much a happy camper. I am little worried this is a bad habit in the making but it sure is cute. We think you are precious and perfect and we love watching you grow and change.

Jillian's 9 month measurements:
Height 26 1/2 inches (20th - 25th percentile)
Weight 16 lbs 11 oz (20th - 25th percentile)
Head 17 inches (25th percentile)
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker